Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Tom's chimney pot

My brother collected all manner of things. Much of it would be considered junk but he liked his 'stuff'. In one corner of his garden are a number of chimney pots collected in Sheffield from the days when he was working. After the funeral last week I came back from Lincolnshire with this chimney pot. I thought it a very fitting piece of memorabilia and I will continue to keep it brightly planted. For now it holds some pansies that have flowered continuously for months. This is Tom's pot.
Beautiful day, woke to sunshine and warm temperatures. Very quick hoovering round my neglected house but far too nice to stay indoors. Had a cycle ride and it blew away the cobwebs. After lunch a longish walk up to Boltby reservoir. Good to see the primroses and violets out on the banks by the woods. Do hope this spell of weather lasts for a few days more at least.

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