Learning day by day

By EmmaF


There was something yellow, bright and warm in the sky today. No idea what it was, apparently I don't need to worry as it won't be there again tomorrow.

William did something to his foot in the playroom this morning and has been limping (slowly) ever since, despite me not being able to see anything wrong with it. Wondering how long I should be a bad Mummy and ignore it before I think about a visit to the GP?

Other than that it was a normal Monday, school run, gym/creche ( I did express kettlebells as I couldn't face the treadmill, will let you know if there is any effect tomorrow), BfN drop-in - really busy, six new Mums, over ran by an hour. Dash to pick up C, drive to ballet, drive home, homework, tea bed. Phew.

Ran round the garden to find something to reflect the sunny weather, not sure if the are primulas or primroses or even if they are the same things.

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