
By DrSteph

Mr Blue Sky

Both grandmas worked in Burnley's textile mills and the town is absolutely steeped in the industrial archaeology of textile production. I work in the historic Weavers' Triangle.

It's difficult to unpack how intimately my identity is bound up with this industrial heritage, and my sense of place is anchored by these beautiful, tragic, angry, majestic structures, many of which have fallen badly into disrepair.

As far as I can work out, this is the chimney of Oakmount Mill, it is directly outside the window of my office. Oakmount Mill was founded in 1830 and eventually closed in 1979. This 120 foot structure is known as a 'candlestick' chimney - the finest surviving in Burnley.

The Weavers' Triangle is entering a phase of major regeneration and so today the chimney is less symbolic of dark satanic mills and more a beacon of hope against a beaming blue sky.

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