While the cat's away...

... the mice will play.

Mellors and Side-kick Bob are both away for two weeks, which means I can wander off the footpaths on the estate without the fear of being shouted at - or worse!

On the southern side there are no footpaths and so there is more wildlife to be seen. A small herd of Fallow Deer (Dama dama) deep in the plantation includes one buck and several does. An almost white doe has been reported in the area recently and I saw her today for the first time, sadly I was not able to take any images as they are very timid.

Fallow deer vary significantly in colour, the most familiar is chestnut brown with lighter spots, however here the majority are very dark brown (Melanistic). The very pale, almost white (Leucistic) type, are not albino with pink eyes, but just very light coated, they are rare, but not as rare as once thought.

Having failed to get any shots of deer, I decided bluebells might pose a little better, and there are certainly enough to choose from. I like the contrast of the rape in the background.

I may have sounded a bit too pleased when a friend phoned to say she could not come round this evening! It gave me the chance to cut the grass before it rains again - it takes about 2 hours to get it all done.

I have just enjoyed cold chicken with a cucumber and strawberry salad garnished with some of the wild garlic leaves from yesterday's blip. I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight.

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