View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

April Challenge - Something That Makes You Sad

Final day of Kate's challenge....

I had to take a photo of a photo for this one - as it is too far from Hampshire (where I live) to go there today - sorry it is crap quality and a bit last minute!

I first came across Kate Chadwick and Brady Bird after they both commented on a blip I had taken at the National Arboretum, so I thought it was fitting that my effort for today should revolve around there.

It is important for me as well as sad, as I have a few friends who are commemorated on the wall in the main memorial, but also on the Basra Wall which I last saw in Iraq in 2005 (though Matt's name wasn't on it then) (right hand photo in my blip)

The irony is that their very existence makes
me sad, but that the presence of the two memorials makes me glad that these brave men and women will always be remembered..

Sad again to read in the paper today of the young Grenadier Guardsmen killed in Helmand last Fri - RIP young man... :-(

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