Kat's eye view

By kats_eye


If in doubt, and there are many, take my usual route to space.

Dilemmas and no answers. According to plan, by now, I would have taken my leave, laid out my lines for leaving work.

Yesterday's meeting was cancelled. Today I stood in the office and discussed long term plans for the programme of work. I didn't mention mine.

Next week. Next week.

Charismatic and competent manager, co-workers' trust, a sense of responsibility, excitement at projects got off the ground, a feeling of hard-earned and fairly-fought competence, all conspire. Make it hard to announce long ago laid plans to follow dreams. To strike off into the unknown. To leave behind the daily grind, but also the secure and familiar.

There's nothing I'm running from now. Only the running to must be strong enough to pull me.

Next week.

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