Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


Master Five Year Old and his lovely lady, Bella.... These two are absolutely inseparable.

Cooties apparently don't exist between them. They spend every possible minute at school together (thankfully they are in different class rooms), they HAVE to hold hands on the walk home (interlocked fingers, and all), and there's tears and PDA's when we have to go in separate directions.

After a pretty emotionally draining day, these love-struck kiddies were just what I needed for a smile (or 100). Here, they are sharing a drink from the drink fountain... Doesn't get much more romantic than that for five year olds.
Oh, but it did. Bella's mum and I took them for an after school milkshake date... They shared a milkshake... Two straws....
It's disgustingly adorable.

Designing the wedding invitations as I write this. :P

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