One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Creature of the deep

I must admit to a mixture of bewilderment and anguish upon seeing the Creature of the Lagoon surface for one last breath* before plunging back to the dark muddy crevice where it belongs, possibly never to be seen* (or better still - heard) ever again.

The relentless rain has uncovered this nasty surprise this morning (well, that and cycling in our pungent ponchos), from his farewell* tour last summer.

Please forgive me Memento. I know that Jon Bon Jovial-bashing is easy and not very funny. He's like Nissan Micras. I like to poke fun at them, but in a tenderly cruel sort of way. My contempt for Enya on the other hand is very real...

* living on a prayer

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