Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Sea Grapes

Fall is here...the sea grapes are ripening.

That is one way to tell. Another is that it actually gets into the 70s in the early morning, which really is starting to feel nice. You can notice many more birds starting to migrate here for the winter, and also the "snow birds" (people who leave for hurricane season) begin to come back and traffic becomes a bit heavier, not as busy as winter when people come to escape the cold, but it is noticeable.


I suppose tonight is the "debate". I am not watching it. I think the whole election goes on way too long, and if I need to know what a candidate thinks, I can tell by reading what it is that they have done in the past. It does not mean a whole hill of beans to me if someone can or cannot pull off a debate. Although, I cannot imagine that Palin will do very well, I'm not crazy about certain aspects of Biden either though I am pro Obama.

In my own perfect world Kucinich would be up there tonight. But, oh well.

This comic video "War for the Whitehouse" pretty well sums up all the hoopla, I think - I mean really!!! There is too much talk and not enough information.

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