A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A glorious day in May!

No I'm not going to apologise - I know some people are having rain and floods but this is where we have walked to today and I have got sunburn on my neck (I look a bit silly as it doesn't match the neckline of the top I have brought to change into this evening!)

This is Sandwood Bay 4 and a half miles from the nearest road on the NW coast of Sutherland. Considered ' the most beautiful beach in Britain' it certainly liv ed up to that image today.

This is taken looking south to the sea stack Am Buachaille - the Herdsman and I particularlylike the criss cross of footsteps in the foreground.   (For those of you in Yorkshire this stack was first climbed by Ian Clough in 1968.)
The beach is about 2km long and this is the the view looking north to Cape Wrath. The return trip was 9 miles - a bit far for us really but worth it.

We are spending a night on the North coast in Durness so we can take the trip to Cape Wrath tomorrow (hopefully). So we went to the Chocolaterie at Balnakiel for a coffee and a sample of their home made chocolates as a reward.

We are in a hotel hence the wi -fi so I will back blip the last few days.

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