'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

It had to be a ladybird!

Well here I am at 200! Really pleased to make it this far! The quality of the images posted vary greatly but the most important thing is that I am still enjoying it!

I had to give myself a stern talking to though, as I can be quite a perfectionist and when you have experienced the thrill of making Spotlight once or twice, it can be addictive! The hours spent trying to get the absolute perfect image have had to be reduced and I have resorted to using the iPhone during term time to cut down on the time spent - the all important BLIP/Work/Life balance!

I love looking through other contributors' journals and have my favourites, although am trying to not feel guilty for the lack of commenting but it can be really addictive and becomes a great excuse for not going out to the gym, which does not help the weight loss programme! Oh dear I am waffling a bit - sorry!

I have truly been blown away by the skill and talent on this site as well as the friendliness and 'open' feeling. A different experience of social networking which is greatly welcomed. Thank you to those who stop by and for your comments - it is really appreciated.

Also the journal is very cathartic in reminding me to look for the positives each day and to remember how lucky I am. There is just over 1 month before I turn 40 and whilst I am still anxious (the husband and children haven't magically appeared), I am also beginning to appreciate some of the self assuredness that can perhaps come from turning 40.

I am realising that I am happy in my own skin and whilst I would like to lose some weight and make a few adjustments, I do have a lot of positives and a lot to look forward to. So will keep smiling, keep blipping and keep sharing my three beautiful things.

Three beautiful things:

Being told by a visitor (bikeability tutor) how brilliant the Y5/6 children are! They make me incredibly proud!

Some much needed sunshine and warmth.

The sunshine hitting the clematis at school - breathtaking.

One thing to be grateful for:
No OFSTED call...yet!

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