It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Freckle Football

When I arrived home on sunday night having been away for 3 days slogging my guts out getting the house in devon ready to be inhabited by guests this was what I was welcomed with ... Yes a new football table.
I tried to sound not too pleased as I have only just got my kitchen back as up until a few weeks ago it had a double bed and a sofa and allsorts and I don't mean the liquorice ones taking up room space.
But clearly after a few minutes I found myself playing on it and I forgot how crap i am at it .. must practice when kids are at school ( with myself mmmm ).
Anyway Freckle has decided that it is her new best place to sleep so how could we move her when she lay in the sun ( the only sun we have had for a while relaxing )
Its a cats life indeed

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