Dutchoak's (not so) Daily

By dutchoak

Hosta from Hell

Somewhere in the garden
Tucked away in a little corner of beech hedges
There is a collection of pots, vats and buckets
Filled with Hosta
Lined as a protective palisade
Around the Gunnera

The gardens of Mien Ruys, the grande dame of Dutch contemporary garden design (she gave us gardens with railway sleepers and washed gravel tiles) inspired me no end. (Do google a bit and you'll find great photo series of it). Somewehere there was a colledtion of pots with Hosta's. Quite simple and very effective. It looks like nothing yet but with Mien's vision in mind I'll keep on building.

Ok. Ok. I admit. With Lightroom I feel like a little kid with a fistful of crayons. Just this once...

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