Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Tree in a field

I spotted this tree in the field the other day when I overshot the entrance to the Hurst just beyond Clun in Shropshire. It was good weather then but its been miserable since then and it's still very misty today.

Anyway I retreated from my retreat this afternoon and was passing the spot again. It was really frustrating because I wanted to get the angle so that only the tree and the yellow rape showed up in the image.

I had to get in to the field and the soil was claggy and I didn't have the right lens. Then just after I'd gone, the sun poked through. I decided to come back with a longer lens on a better day, then thought, sod it, there might not be a better day and even though this isn't as I want it to be, I think it still gives some idea of its potential. If I can get back to try and do this better, I will. Of course a longer lens and clear weather might not make much difference and I might never know.

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