Writer's Block

By writersblock

100 days

I started a food 100-day challenge that will have me bring more whole foods (fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.) and less refined foods (sugar, processed junk food, etc.) into my diet.

This week the "mini" challenge is to eat 2 veggies or fruits with every meal. So I switched from my usual "grab and go" breakfast shake in a can to oatmeal in a cute handy-dandy thermos with berries or sliced fruit and raisens. I also brought in home-baked muffins made with coconut oil (first try using it instead of the usual vegetable oil), whole wheat and honey (berries on top for a little extra pazazz).

My lunches won't change much as I already am pretty good about bringing apples, bananas, carrots or whatever seasonal fruit is available to snack on. Sometimes I get lazy with dinner though...so this is definitely a good thing for me to be doing!

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