Growing old disgracefully



Been away for a couple of days, so it was lovely to reconnect with the garden.

Most of the day it was bright sunlight and very hot, not wonderful for photography, so I waited until evening. Spoilt for choice at this time of year with so many things opening up, the greenhouse stuffed with wee plants that need hardening off and the patio littered with stuff to plant out (although there is still a risk of a frost up here in the frozen north, so I will be standing by with fleece and cloche). Anyway, I settled on this rhodedenron because of its memories. It was given to me by the staff of Clune Partk Primary when I left there in 1991. That was also the year I moved to this house, so it was the first thing I planted in this garden. I had a lot of fun in Port Glasgow and learned so much. If any of you are out there, thanks so much for this wonderful gift that I have enjoyed every May for 21 years!

Wainwright said, 'There are never enough Mays in one's life'. I am inclined to agree. I want to suck all the juice out of this one.


Gloriously hot and sunny day
Getting to spend a £50 voucher in a garden centre - courtesy of some wonderful colleagues
Lovely breakfast at the Three Sisters with the Professor

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