[life is good]

By keehner


and I will walk on water
and you will catch me if I fall
and I will get lost into your eyes
and everything will be alright.


today, I quite literally put it all on the line for one of my boys and took a beating for him. I threw my body on top of his and took blow after blow, with some physical souvenirs to show for it.

I talked to my dad on the phone this afternoon, and he told me, in the strongest voice he could muster [obviously trying to let his only little girl lead her life hundreds of miles away, but clearly wanting nothing more than to tuck her into bed and protect her], 'I am so proud of how brave you are'.

today, I found out quite a bit about myself in a matter of a few excruciatingly long minutes.
and you know what?
I'm kind of impressed.

and even though it's been a hell of a long, exhausting, physically and emotionally draining day....
...I can smile.
[even if it IS a little lopsided and swollen.]

'bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.'
--franklin p. jones

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