
By Yeda

Birds Nest

My four-year-old daughter regularily builds nests like this one, at least once a day, "for all the little birdies to sleep in". She built this one along the beaten path to our front door, so I doubt she will have any guests anytime soon.

What a windy and warm day today. I think it was about 22C (or in the 80's F). We went to Godley Head for a long hike, which most of it was out of the wind, overlooking the ocean. Gorgeous and warm. Had a picnic on the big boulders above the shoreline. Took a lot of mediocre pictures that were not Blip worthy. We hiked the Tunnel Track, which the tunnel itself was about 100m long. It was a cool releif to get out of the sun and feel the wind racing through as I kept my head low & walking on. We stopped at Scarborough Playground in Sumner and had an icecream as we watched other kids playing in the waves on the beach.

Home now and cleaning house.

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