
By LeeAnne

Rocket fuel...

It seems I have given in to the coffee craving. I've never been a tea or a coffee sort, unless I have a hangover in which case I sometimes I have a cup of tea. However, over the last few months I've had a bit of a craving for coffee. I've always liked the smell but I don't like coffee flavoured things so I've never bothered to try drinking it.

I have now. It's kept me awake this week. Tonight I managed to find Taylors Hot Lava Java that I tried at the Twitchy one's house at the weekend. It's lovely and I suspect just what I'll be needing tomorrow. I really want one now but I dare say I'll never sleep if I drink a cup of that now! Sands bought me a very cute little mug for my birthday... perfect timing, I shall take it to work with me tomorrow.

Thank you for the card... am glad you pointed us out! I'm glad I am you and you are me!

Visit to the dentist this morning fixed my broken tooth. Fortunately I don't need to retrieve the broken part. Got to go back at the end of June to get it fixed properly. 95 quid later! Ouchie!

Now I am going to bed! I'm beat!

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