My colourful life!

By rainbowtaylor


My brain is not happy. Worrying about too many things. So blip is of the first thing I found. My sons spelling practice paper.

Boys behaviour. Grrrr.
The state of my house.
My eye - its still gammy.
Work in many ways. Less said about that the better.
My next door neighbour. Had to make the difficult decision to phone his son and let him know that his 90 year old father is not coping. I've been going round every night for a week and finally got him to admit today that he has not washed or changed his clothes and has been sleeping in them. He has cellulitis on his leg which needs to be kept clean. He agreed to letting me help him shower and put clean clothes on. I have brought his laundry home and will do his bed sheets tomorrow cos couldn't find a spare set to do it tonight. He is really unsteady on his feet but is fiercely independent and stubborn so it's going to be difficult to get him to accept help although he did let me help today. Hopefully his son will take my advice and ring for help for him. I am happy to help out but cannot become his carer.

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