Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

strike a pose...

No-Work-Wednesday here!! yaay. Had a lovely lay in and took the littlemonkey into town to have portraits done. He is such a poser. I think mainly due to me papping him at every opportunity. There were smiles, giggles, spontaneous poses that there is no way you could actually get a baby to do unless they really wanted to. I was quite happy when the photographer said it was the most fun she'd had all day (It was a full days worth of baby/toddler shoots). I think it was due to littlemonkey throwing the bricks and striking poses like "Zoolander"

An evening at our friends this evening to celebrate our "nephew's" 9th brithday. lots of cake and star wars chat.

This pic was prior to going out this afternoon whilst mummy was getting ready to go out. i was attempting a back up self photo just in case i didn't get any shots today, however littlemonkey must have been in warm up mode for his shoot.

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