
By livebyfaith

Time to reflect

Yes, I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits nothing now, nothing in the future, nor powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus Romans 8 vrs 38&39

At women to women tonight this just stuck out soo much to me i remember after new year a friend sent me verse 39 and i liked it but never thought much of it till i had to stand up and read the whole thing in front of cu for the first time the week i had found out my friend had died and it just hit me soo much that nothing absolutely nothing can separate us from his love...

There really isn't a day where i am not reminded of you in some way craig i'm just soo thankful i knew you and through your life being lived the way it was so much has become apparent i'll never forget you you better be practicing hockey hard up there i want a match when i come...

Today's been non eventful really very unproductive.... although i found out i passed one of my exams = very happy me

Just tomorrow exam to go this week....

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