Life Is Full Of Pictures

By ChrisJordan

Singing Lessons

Cheryl, my wife, was practicing an anthem she is singing at church this Sunday. While doing her warm-up beforehand, like the good little soprano she is, she discovered that our dog Winthrop started singing along when she got to the upper notes.

When I came home today and asked her for blip ideas she said, "Why don't I show you how Winthrop sings with me"? I said, "Sure, I didn't know the dog could sing, let me get my camera and take some shots". She said oh yes he does and I'm giving him voice lessons.

Darn, if she wasn't right! She even told me which note he would start singing on and sure enough he did. I tried to capture it the best I could. It is not a photographic masterpiece, but more about the content.

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