Sorry Corin..

We've finished this one, drunk the last of it last night, but we still have, a glenlivet, a cardhu and a bottle of 1877 brandy. Took Roy out for a birthday meal, too much to eat and drink, but we had to have a last one before we went to bed.

Looked forward to a lie in this morning but at 8.30am I heard the sound of a chainsaw and realised that the gardners had come to cut the palm tree down in my neighbours garden. The tree had grown too big for his small garden and the roots were pushing up the tiles, so the tree had to come out. They finished after about an hour. I finally surfaced at 11am, a cup of tea, 2 weetabix and a 500mg asprin, a hot shower, and I was ready to face the day, or what was left of it. Having said that, I've cleaned the two bathrooms, changed the linen on our bed, done 3 loads of washing, made lunch, done some gardening, just need to mop through the house, but will do that later.

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