The Three Labradors

By The3Labradors

Mum's B-day, Edinburgh, Books!

Hey all! Today Emma, Mum and Charlie went into Edinburgh to meet Dad for lunch cause it's Mum's birthday! They went to Hard Rock Café for lunch. Then they went to Waterstone's and Emma bought 5 books! Then they said goodbye to Dad and went on the train back to Cumbernauld. At 5ish, Emma, Mum and Charlie went to the town centre to get Emma's eyes tested (turns out they're worse than before). So, Emma's getting new Hooch glasses and contact lenses! Then they went to Guyz the barbershop to get Charlie's hair cut. Then they went home and Emma and Charlie went out. Then they came in and had a Bibi's Bakery cupcake to celebrate Mum's birthday. Now they're up to bed.

It's been quite an eventful day! Oh and while they were in Edinburgh, they saw all the people working on the trams and stuff. They nearly had to drag Emma out of Waterstone's!!! Well, this was a long blip (and I'm still not done!)!

Emma finally got the 2 CHERUB books she wanted! I'll list the books she got:

? CHERUB: Shadow Wave
? CHERUB: Series 2: People's Republic
? Maze Runner
? The first 2 Eragon books (in one book!)
? The Vampire Diaries: The Hunters: Moonsong

And that's all of them!

Okay, I'll see you all soon! :)

- Tilly x

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