Watering Hands

Katie and Gordon watered the garden this afternoon. Not that it needed it, but they fairly enjoyed themselves.

Big Watering.

I was just enjoying the view over Belhaven Bay for 10 minutes - on a bench, on the Esplanade, on the way to school from work - when my phone rang. I talked briefly to someone stuck in a multi-storey office in London then rather cruelly sent them a photo of the view. "I hope this cheers you up." Heh, heh, heh. Well, she's got 15 working days til she retires so ... The joke's on me!

The Easterly wind continues, this is very strange and very damn cold. Much better today with clear skies and light winds, but that chill is still there. Just as well I'm constantly late and rushing about on the bike :) that keeps me warm!

Another colleague (who's also retiring in a few working days) lent me "Deep Trouble", a collection of disaster stories from Sea Kayaker magazine. This is essentially a list of ways to die in abject terror in a tiny boat on the high seas. My favourite so far is "entrapment in sea caves," which is so awful I can't really stop thinking about it. Over the course of an hour or so: "Oh, let's look in here" <paddle, paddle> "Oh, is the tide rising?" <paddle, paddle> "Where's the cave mouth? Oh, shit!" <panic, panic> "Is the water still rising?" ...

So, prior to the life-changing-kayak-purchase I was pondering, there's a large list of life-preserving-safety-stuff-purchases I need to make. Maybe next year then.

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