School baking....

...came home to the smell of chocolate brownies baking in the oven. Stig was busily preparing fairy cakes. Lovely, halesome stuff.

Elsewhere, I endured a health and safety training session at work. I always want to self harm immediately after such safety training.

I didn't vote today because I noticed too late that I hadn't received my polling card. I suspect wrong doing ala Jeb Bush Florida recount.

In the news, I see Damian Green MP LTB* did a U-turn on his claims that waiting times at airport UK Border Control were nowhere near as bad as some passengers claimed. Now, in fact the claims are correct and he's unhappy and will sort it out. We came through T5 en route to Embra from Singapore recently and we queued for 50mins to get through Border Control and witnessed scenes of poor process and general chaos.

*LTB - Lying Tory Bastard

Edit: Just spent a couple of hours going back through blips about chummeryken and listening to some of his favourite music. I still miss the big bugger. The power of blip.

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