The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Polling Day

Lazy blip today .. justified as I was tied to working at a polling station from 6:30am to close of poll. Not a huge turnout, but I did have to explain the voting procedure to 280 different people....

This photo was taken outside with some polling agents and a candidate in the background. The smoke plume is from the Caberboard factory in Cowie where I was stationed. Lorries from the Highlands come into it 24 hours a day to feed the sausage machine that churns out MDF board for kitchen cabinets and the like. Cowie used to be a mining community but the pit shut a long time ago. Still part of the Labour heartland, but SNP give them a run for their money these days. The result isn't out yet, but I expect these 2 to share the spoils (3 councillor seats up for grabs). Might be wrong.

Election duty comes at a convenient time for me and the extra I earn usually helps pay for the summer holiday cottage. There seems to have been an election every year lately. I'm hoping the Westminster coalition fall apart soon to give me a payday next year! Mind you, we're about due a european election. Last time there was a 15% turnout...I usually struggle to get into magasine articles, but I managed to read an entire book that day :-)

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