The Eyes Have It !
Afternoon all,
Thank you to everyone who commented on the blip yesterday, greatly appreciated.....and dont things take an unexpected turn at times.
Just having a little play with Photoshop and it transpires there is a Company looking to do something similar, had discussions but not done anything about it yet....till now. They got in touch, I had a meeting with them all this morning, photoshoot taking place next friday. A new venture and how may come to nothing but as they say, nothing ventured - nothing gained !! So psyched up for this.......!! ;0)
Nightshift tonight and all weekend, so those eyes above will be a little more bloodshot come Monday morning lol ;0)
Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing - Bill Cosby
Its Friday .....Have a great weekend ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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