
By Daystarimages

Yellow Submarine

Spent most of the day photographing lone soldiers and new immigrants who are in need. The lone soldiers come in a variety of situations, new immigrants who have no family or no family here. Some, because they have joined the Israeli forces have been considered no longer a part of the family. Some strange situations here. Then there are immigrants that come upon hard times and need a helping hand and sometimes a shoulder to cry on. There are times when that happens and there is always a listening ear and suggestions and a lot of love in times of need.
The lone soldiers on the other hand need a place to go when they have a time where they can get away from the base for a weekend. I remember when I was in that situation being in the U S Air Force and a long way from home. I can relate to their situations even though that was a long time ago.

It was an interesting day and since there was an aquarium in the office, I took the liberty of making use of the submarine life for this days blip.

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