around here somewhere

By thehammerton

May the fourth be with you!

The fate of today's blip was effectively sealed at about 11am, when the delivery man arrived with the lightsabers and about the same time I realised it was May the 4th - aka 'Star Wars Day'.

Not that it will help to salvage much credibility at this point but I should point out that the toy lightsabers are actually for my five year old stepdaughter, who has asked for one repeatedly (but you really can't have just one lightsaber - where's the fun in that? (the other one is red, naturally)). I felt it was important to check they were working, which was the only reason I got them out, of course.

EDIT 05/05/2012 - 205 views and counting! This blip seems to be getting more views than usual - I'm curious to know if it is just through blip or whether perhaps there is a link out there somewhere to this page - if so let me know - email address on my 'about' page.. thanks!

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