got lunch...

...on a successful fishing expedition

by the great blue... after a lengthy time of intense focus - the blue came up with a rather large capture... downing it in one massive gulp - then shaking himself free of water droplets... to the delight of some nearby children who were watching as well...

as i was leaving my little lake - 2 men stopped me to ask if there were fish in the water... i said yes and they asked if there was fishing... i said the only fishing i was aware of was that which the geese, ducks and heron did every day... they were not very amused by my answer! instead exclaiming "there are no signs - there are no signs..." i agreed with them - however, told them i'd never seen anyone fishing because the lake is rather small - typically i thought people left it alone - to nature... and visited other lakes in the area since there are so many... the one man stared at me in disbelief, said "well, there are no signs" as though i hadn't heard them the first time and mentioned they were going to give it a go anyway... i shrugged and walked away - thinking that was fine - what would he get? they are small fish as you can see by this shot with the great blue... will he be pleased with that? probably not - so i believe nature will win out in the long run - making for...


happy day.....

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