Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today was hubby's birthday and he spent the day working at a polling station for the local elections. H and I spent the morning making a birthday cake for him - she picked the chocolate smartie cake we made a couple of months ago, so we set to work on it after breakfast. As he will be working until very late, he won't get it until tomorrow. H is always keen to make cakes, and the minute we start, she is asking to lick the bowl!!

We went to visit hubby at his polling station as H wanted to give him his birthday present and card. It was a Gruffalo card, and his present is 2 tickets to see Chris and Pui from Show Me Show Me - hmmm, I wonder who he will be taking! Afterwards we dropped in on H's Gran and Papa then came home for dinner and to finish decorating the cake. Hubby arrived home around 11pm and opened the rest of his presents and cards.

O was enjoying being on the baby play gym today and started to hit the toys for the first time. Whenever he is lying on the play gym, H wants to do it too - luckily there is enough room for both of them at the moment!

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