Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara


Up at six. Walk around the village. Am I really here?! Is this actually happening? It feels like I've always meant to have been here. I'm home! (a bit corny but that's actually how it feels).

After a day of DIY we went on a walk without a map. I had planned to go up Gordale Scar but couldn't find the route without the stream running down it? Anyway determined to still get up there I stumbled up a cliff and saw this view! Could it get any better? Well yes. I got totally lost and ended up on a fenced off limestone pavement where my breath was taken away. A fox. About two meters away. Amazing. It ran away but the ground was flat stone so I watched it for some time. I have never seen a fox in that wilderness before. I was buzzing. I found my way back down again. And things got even better! A baby owl sleeping in a tree straight in front of me. I got so close. I cant wait to show you the photo when signal allows. Again I've never seen an owl before! Returned via Malham Cove where a woodpeckers hammer was echoing around the Cove. The whole walk was just amazing.

Update: here's that owl! Fingers crossed it works

Sorry blippers. Again this is turning into a non communicating selfish blog about me. In a way im glad-its documenting my first few days in my 'new' life but I hope you arnt too bored! Feel free to unsubscribed

Take care

I've just realised. I can now watch Escape To The Country and not get jealous anymore. Excellent

And that's today's one through the looking glass


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