
I feel I have rather wasted today. I should have been getting ready for going off to Japan next Thursday but I haven't done half what I was intending. I did wake up late (well, 9, which is late for me these days and much needed) and then I spent a long time on the phone to Adam sorting out last minute arrangements for my visit. By then, it was nearly lunchtime and this afternoon I've only managed to cut the grass and walk to the supermarket and back.

What I should have been doing was sorting out my clothes and footwear to take with me on holiday, but I find that such a hard job to do that I keep putting it off. Pathetic, I know, but it happens every time! The problem is that I don't want to have too much to carry on my own, so I have to pack light.

As for the shot today, it's to remind me that when I get back, I need to tidy up the garden a bit.

And I've just noticed that Blip automatically uploads tags that I've added to a picture outside of Blip. Clever!

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