My life in blips

By Goretex


Took a trip to the historic town of Culross. A very pretty little town. Enjoyed some lovely sunny weather, having a look at the old graveyard, stumbling across a BMX "Spring Jam" in part of the woods and admiring the quaint cottages with the old crow step roofs. Unfortunately, we mistimed the coffee shop, so had no calorific reward for out 2hr walk.

Unfortunately, an eye sore called Longannet Power station is just round the corner from Culross - thankfully, they just managed to hide it round a bend in the road, although you can't quite avoid the cooling towers and chimneys of Grangemouth, across the Forth. (I liked the shot of the cow with the towers in the background!)

As part of our trip, walked MP through Devilla Forest to try and run some energy out of her - worked up to a point, but she is just like a Duracell battery some days!!

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