Linlithgow Palace

We made good use of our Historic Scotland memberships again today, and headed off armed with a big picnic to Linlithgow Palace. It was great fun exploring all the rooms and climbing up all the towers.

Lunch was had in the park behind the Palace, then we played with Fudge and went to the swing park. Next we took a wander through Linlithgow. I've not been there for many years, it's a nice place to visit.

Back to the car and we realised that another Historic Scotland venue was only 4 miles away from Linlithgow, so we moved on to Blackness Castle. By this time the sun was out and it had heated up a bit so we were able to relax in the grounds at Blackness and play on the grass for a good while. We also explored the castle and took in the views from the water side.

Kerr loves going to castles, he gets so excited. He kept saying 'wow this is cool' and 'this is good fun!'.

Will need to check the HS website to decide our castle for next weekend.

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