A confused genius

By Lez11

Carpet laid

When I woke up this morning I decided to clean my cooker, clean my fish tank, sort and take all my old clothes down to the clothes bank and buy a carpet for my hall, alll by 10am

After feeling like a super hero with all the chores I had done I then put the carpet down. I haven't laid carpet for ages but I was impressed with my handy work (pic).

I went up wolvo tonight to meet my mates for a few beers and to watch the FA cup final which was good but I still feel like s**t so I decided to catch the early train back to tipton. As I haven't had anything to eat today I got me a mixed kebab and chips which were nice. I have a strange feeling it won't be nice tomorrow though.

Me and my best mate discussed Tallinn as we go their in 3 weeks and also discussed the adult weekend in mine head for his girlfriends 30th birthday in June. It a 90's themed weekend and we are going in all white boiler suits, glasses and an acid man t-shirt. I'm looking forward to it allready.

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