Got the Wings of Heaven on My Shoes....
After the end of School, Tooli has been partying. Partying pretty much non-stop, apart from Friday during the day, while she recovered from Thursday night.
The whole year trooped up to the woods, and "Picnic'd" in the walled gardens. This has developed into a tradition at the school, as the graffiti in the background of some of the photographs testify "Class of 09".
They partied there from about one until late.... sealing friendships and actually making new ones, getting talking to folk they had been at school with for 6 years, yet hadn't spoken to.
Tonight, they are headed out again. party at the Rugby Club and then the nightclub. The Same nightclub I met her dad in.
These are the shoes she is wearing. I dropped 4 of them off tonight, at the edge of the carpark, and the four of them, clustered together, getting their balance and pulling their hotpants out their bum.
I wish I'd sat and waited and watched them walking in, because I doubt very much they made it without one of them falling over. Tooli has another pair of shoes in her bag, slightly lower, and "in case of emergencies".
I have never been one for making a fashion statement, I was too keen on my comfort, and dancing, and drink!
I looked at these this afternoon, and thought. These could be for me. I slipped them on my feet (easily, Tooli is 2 sizes bigger than me), and admired them, from below, they look amazing. Getting up off the couch was another problem.
I managed three steps, before my calves collapsed in spasms of cramp.
Me and Schexy High Heels. It just aint gonna happen!
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