Most Southerly

Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday. The children DID enjoy doing it, especially with the bribe if ice cream...

This morning I was fired with enthusiasm after seeing "Cats & Dogs" blip yesterday. So before I took the children swimming, I made some cinnamon swirls! We got home and shared them with Clare and Mick while we had a planning meeting.

Since moving down here (OVER 2 years ago now!) we have had an ever growing list of places to visit. Clare and i had decided earlier this week that we would have an adventure this weekend and tick some places off our list.

So we eventually set off and headed for The Lizard. First call was Annie's Pasties - which had sold out but took our order for the last batch! While we waited for them, the men took the children to the park that overlooks the lighthouse and Clare and I toured the many shops of tat.

The pasties were good but not as good as Charlie Choaks according to Ben. But the view in the sunshine was worth the effort.

We then headed to Kynance Cove for coffee and cake. Except it was almost high tide and we were too lazy to go up and over to get to the cafe. The children had a splendid time throwing pebbles and rocks into the sea to make the loudest "sploosh"! We returned to the car park and had the first ever cuppa on my beach/surf cooking kit - I am thinking a frying pan and bacon are needed next...

So ever in search of cake, we continued on to Cornish Camels. Where the cafe was shut for a wedding but they were happy for us to wander round and see the camels far off in a distant field, the wallabies, the rheas, the geese and goslings and a most magnificent peacock who strutted his stuff for us!

At this point we gave up on cake and returned to Falmouth for fish and chips at Harbour Lights. The first time we've been there - but not the last. The view over the harbour would be more than enough to keep us happy - but the kids got their meals in a bucket and were given a spade when thry'd emptied their buckets!

We have also planned another adventure for tomorrow - watch this space...

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