Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Ouch !

Sorry in advance for this blip !

I'm not re-enacting some bad 70s punk rock - honest!

I stopped wearing earrings around the time No 1 was born (just forgot to put them in and got out the habit !) Occasionally wore them for going out but it was just another thing to remember to do in the morning - and so I forgot.

No 1 bought me beautiful birthstone earrings for Mother's Day a few months back but I didn't have the heart to tell her that my pierced ears had closed up ! Until now !

Sat night - rubbish TV. His nibs on a night out in town with my bro-in-law (over from OZ!) and No 3 told me she would re-pierce my ears with a safety pin ! Honest - she has done it before! I won't feel a thing (on account of the 3 G&Ts I'd had).

She laid out the tools of her trade. Nappy pin. Matches (to sterilise pin). Bonjela (she said -to numb the ear - it works on gums - so may work on ears!). Antiseptic hand wont hurt a bit!

As you can see. We sang along to the 'Sandra Dee' song in Grease. Giggling like mad. And she did it ! No blood or tears. But one of the MOST bizarre ways to spend Sat night with a 15 year old.

P.s. No 3 - No, you CANNOT get your belly button pierced....nor any other part of your anatomy !

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