Five things

By fivethings


1. Lovely day and I'm up early for my new floor being delivered and fitted. I had a sinking feeling from the get-go about this company and I was right. It's not even 9am and it's cost me £80. Always trust your instincts.

2. At lunchtime Karen pops in to say hello. I flaunt my Taytos under her nose and tempt her along to the Glue Factory, where Colin is performing his Five Minute Theatre. It goes really well and I'm ever so proud.

3. After work, the sun is shining and I'm off to meet Fiona and Gayle in the Big in Butterfly. Fiona has popped up every so often in my Blips, but Gayle? Gayle I haven't seen for 20 years. It's a burst of joy when I spot her in the pub. Red haired and just the same as ever.

4. We catch up in rapid fashion and get the kitty going. Fiona leads the way to the Tiki Lounge which looks like Del Boys living room and serves us drinks called Rum Bongos.

5. By the end of the evening, we've drunk something - this- that was literally on fire. It was called the Volcano. We head in our separate ways, as if those 20 years had never happened, our faces sore with laughing.

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