It Started Down Under

By dirk

Beef Shanghai

I present to you my first "free" day in a long time!

No obligations today, I can sleep in and spend the day any way I want to. How applicable to call this day Bevrijdingsdag (liberation day) in the Netherlands. The weather was bad enough to stay indoors and think about my girlfriend. Once I got bored by that I started working on the program book(let) design for the concert of Inbetween on June 2nd in Tilburg. It was quite a difficult task since I had little information, little room, lots of text and even more pictures. Eventually I managed to fit (nearly) all content in the space I had.

This evening we had a very applicable dinner: Beef Shanghai. Now why is that so applicable? Because today I had a chat with my girlfriend on msn messenger since she just arrived in Shanghai. Not very long until she is finally back home with me.

Counting the days...

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