Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Puppy Love

Woke up late after the early start yesterday. Spent the morining out on John's boat collecting the crab pots and trying to do some fishing. We collected 14 crabs and 1 fish.

Before we left J was sitting in the chair enjoying the Sunday times on her iPad before she was ambushed by the Spaniels. It is possible to get three spaniels on your lap in one go. Here are Pepsi, Pushka and Daisy making the most of J's soft lap.

This is just a large pile of Soft Spaniel along with a wife who has gone soft in the head over them.

Went for a walk along the estuary this afternoon looking for some more photos, but not much came out of them.

This will be my entry for the weekend blip challenge on the word "Soft". A very loose link I know, but it is a holiday weekend after all.

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