
By Kaysha

Another day, another sleepover

In our infinite wisdom, C, J and I thought it'd be a good idea to have a sleepover where our little girls get to run wild and we get to have a good chat over a bottle or two of wine. The girls came to mine this time and the sun was shining, although temperatures were plummeting.

While the adults were having a lovely time catching up the girls seemed intent on pushing, huffing and crying their way through much of the afternoon. Peace was temporarily restored for a couple of hours then bedtime loomed and tears were the order of the day. Miss A was just beyond excited to have her friends stay over she wouldn't let anyone go to sleep and clambered and jumped over M and K who were getting pretty hacked off. We decided to put them in separate rooms eventually. M and K were out immediately but I think it was around 11pm before A finally relented.

A lovely time had by all and we were all remarkably sensible, a first for our get-togethers. Must be an age thing...

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