A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Lunching ladies!

Being as Fee had already taken "Ladies who lunch"!

Great service again at church this morning - the sermon, looking at Psalm 6, reiterated some points that had been coming up in the books Crazy Love and Forgotten God by Francis Chan that I have been reading :]

Then off to lunch/cream tea at Fredericks for a flatmate end of year session. It wasn't where we had originally planned on going, however I had previously been looking at the website so when we happened to pass by it made sense. Pretty decor, yummy food...happy Mim!

Definitely one to return to :]

Presentation looms tomorrow... I feel relatively confident about it, however my struggle is definitely going to be remembering to refer to literature so I think I will need to make myself some prompt cards for the discussion along those lines in the morning! Probably throw a few extra references in to the slides as well... Then a wee practice with Lorraine & before I know it 2.45pm will have been and gone and I will be finished third year!!


"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6v34 [ESV]

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