Crown No1

Today I had my first go at welding cast iron. Not easy is what I had been told and that turned out to be exactly the case. I did have a practice on the BBQ grill before welding the cracked part for the stove I am restoring.

I fired up the forge for this job, heating the cast iron till it as red hot, then welding it while it was in the coals. I then let the forge cool down on its own with the cast iron in it. This is supposed to stop cracking.

Well it took two goes to get the crack welded up. It wasn't pretty but by the same token I have seen a lot worse welding efforts. When it had cooled I got the grinder onto it and the finished result was acceptable. Certainly much better than having a crack.

Today was a stove restoration day even though it was pristine outside. Lots of welding, grinding, polishing and painting. I should have spared a few hours to go fishing. Maybe next weekend.

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