
By hoodedpigwoman

Jump Leads

GrandWill very kindly came over to babysit on Saturday night so me and Mr HPW could go out for the first time since before Christmas....

He and Alexander had a lovely time playing in his car - he let him play with all the switches and buttons. There is a reason why I don't let Alexander play in my car, though. Because after it got dark, GrandWill looked out the window and saw the lights were on. And he couldn't get the car to start.

Luckily we have some jump leads from when we had Podge, our old car, formerly my sister's car. Podge didn't like starting on a cold day. Anyway, GrandWill's car did start and all was well.

We spent the rest of the day mainly lying down and catching up with Game of Thrones, and watching the finale of Homeland - eeeeek!

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