Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

I managed to speak to mum before her angiogram. She was very apprehensive and I tried to reassure her that all would be well. After a very long procedure I was told by one of the nurses in the cardiac unit that they had found three blockages. As a result they performed a coronary angioplasty to put two stents into the coronary artery where it was blocked going into and out of the heart. She is so very lucky to be alive. For the past year Mum has had deteriorating health, but was continually told there was nothing wrong with her heart. This despite various tests and admissions to A&E with chest pain. It's quite sobering.

Mum was moved to intensive care where she will stay overnight. I hope I will be able to speak to her in the morning, when she should feel a lot better.

I am not sleeping very well at the moment. I wake a lot in the night and lay outside of sleep waiting for morning. I find my thoughts travel to my father. Running through the last days of his life in extraordinary detail. In a very strange way it is both upsetting and comforting.

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