
By JillyMint

Alan? Alan?

I've a bit of a problem....
Squirrels and jackdaws!
As soon as I put out any peanuts (and fat cake/balls) I'm besieged. OK I know the solution is not to put out any peanuts but the GS Woodpecker is also very partial to them. I've lived here for almost 8 years and never had any such problems before; I suppose now they've found me that's it.
Can anyone tell me which 'squirrel-proof' feeders are best? and are they also corvid-proof?
Cold day today, catching up on paperwork, finances etc. Fire is on again; going to need another log delivery.
Still only one squidgy baby sparrow. Definitely eggs in blue tit box now but until I get the camera working again I can't tell you how many.
OOh and the lawn mower won't start! Great!

Canon 1d; 420mm; ISO800; f/5.6; 1/200"

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